Your first TRACKED Virtual Production in less than 2 hours
REtracker BLISS
REtracker BLISS is a complete tracking solution for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and LED screen production.
Features include, genlock, world pose, zero-jitter, kalman filtering, and much more. It works in an unlimited space, outdoors and indoors.

1- No markers needed on set
2- Compatible with all types of cameras
3- Sensor is mounted on top of the camera
4- Connect the sensor to a PC or a Laptop
5- Unlimited range
6- Works outdoors and indoors
7- Send tracking data via WiFi/USB to PC
High precision lens calibration software is essential to match the virtual camera with the real camera for perfect tracking.
The software generates the camera matrix in addition to the lens distortion parameters, Field of View (FOV) and Normalized Focal data.

1- Initial deployment time of less than 10 minutes
2- Daily use setup should take less than 2 minutes
3- Robust enough for live broadcasts
4- Compatibility with most engines
5- Ultra simple workflow

NEW: Local Language Support in China and Vietnam
(soon in Spanish, Catalan and German)

1- Our own bespoke sensor fine tuned for VP
2- Lens calibration software that generates the FOV and lens distortion parameters
3- Genlock (our technique locks the tracking to the output signal for a silky smooth blend of the graphics and the camera feed)
4- Livelink version for Unreal (4.26, 4.27, 5)
5- FreeD version for compatible with most engines
6- Works with all versions of Aximmetry
7- Automated WorldPose software to detect camera height and position in real world
8- Aximmetry tools for AR, VR and XR
9- Lens encoder tools for zoom and focus
10- One on one tutorial on zoom and teamviewer
11- Lifetime license.

The process goes as follows:
1- Calibrate zoom out max and save the json file
2- Calibrate zoom in max and save json file
3- Map your zoom lens using Lonet software.
4- Enable OSC output to port 7000
5- Use the new REtrackerZoomLens compound in Aximmetry
6- Load the two calibrated json files
7- Connect the new compound to lens distort input
8- Zoom out max with the camera and trigger “set zoom out max”
9- Zoom in max with the camera and trigger “set zoom in max”

1- Print Calibration Board on 1 to 1 Scale and Tape it to a firm Board
2- Bring a Meter or a Measuring Tape or a Laser Meter
3- Print the Apriltag number 1 as big as you can (on A2 paper)
4- Be Sure to Have a Video Signal inside Unreal
5- You Should Have a Good internet Connection
6- 3D Print the case for the BLISS sensor and mount it on the Camera
7- Set a well lit Chroma Area
8- Temporary Separate Lighting for Lens Calibration
9- Download TeamViewer
10- One-on-one can be conducted in English, French and Arabic
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Community base in 48 countries on all continents (except Antarctica)
Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Netherland,
Nigeria, Norway, Nepal, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vietnam.